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Enhance Engagement Through Twitter Influencer Marketing

17.5M+ Users from India
80% Are Millennials
38% Are Likely to Engage with Brands & Products

Twitter Influencer Campaigns for a Range of Brands

Promoted Upstox as a versatile app for stock market trading and investing, designed to make financial investing simple and accessible.

PayTM informed over 6 million users about wealth creation and investment opportunities, with a focus on IPOs and ETFs.

OctaFX increased awareness of affordable forex trading during the start-up ideas marathon competition.

Utilize Customized Twitter Content Formats

Increase Brand Awareness

Twitter threads are an effective way to interact with users, engage your audience, and enhance brand awareness.

Boost Engagement

Tweets on viral and trending topics, combined with relevant hashtags from trusted influencers, drive higher engagement.

Amplify Marketing Campaigns

Ideal for launching new products, staying in the news, and sharing key company updates with your audience.


Skyrocket Conversions With Twitter Influencers


Recommendations Via SMEs

Twitter SMEs have a dedicated following that values their opinions and recommendations.


Increase Engagement

Twitter plays a crucial role in the middle of the funnel and can effectively drive large-scale conversations.


Get Trending

With the right strategy and budget, Twitter conversations can trend and attract a massive amount of attention.

Scalable Conversational Twitter Content

Influencers can create original and impactful content on Twitter, including product reviews, service reviews, brand experiences, and suggestions, all of which boost engagement.


But, Why Influexa as Your Twitter Influencer Marketing Agency?


15,000+ Vetted Influencers

Our network of 15000+ influencers means we are able to match you with the perfect influencers for you – no matter what the requirements.


Unbeatable Pricing

We work with brands at scale and hence are able to command an unbeatable pricing for most talents across genres.


High RoI

We understand content marketing and weave stories that leave a lasting impact. We also implement meta tags, click inducing titles & thumbnails and more for YouTube SEO.

Our YouTube Influencer
Marketing Deliverables​

Influencer Discovery

We curate the right influencers for your campaign using content affinity and target audience mapping.

Campaign Execution

We deliver seamless campaign execution and keep you appraised through out the process.

Content Plan & Scripting

We create a content strategy basis brand USP & influencer profiles & then use that to co-create scripts with each influencer.

Reporting & Analytics

We analyse outcomes and dissect them via various segments to fine tune the scale up recommendations.

Get Your Twitter Campaign Started Now!

Let’s make your brand the talk of the town with Twitter influencers.

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